Our thoughts help shape how we perceive our reality. Some of these thoughts are out of our conscious awareness and often become hidden saboteurs to our success.
When our beliefs support our current reality, this system works. However, if old beliefs are no longer based on truth, this leads to incongruency, or being "stuck".

Have you ever felt empowered by a book, a group, a guru or some other person, place or thing outside of yourself? Certainly. We all have from time to time. And it feels great for awhile, maybe even motivating. And with all of this new empowerment, you feel like you can do whatever you want to do.
Until you don’t.
And why is that? Why does empowerment fall flat after awhile? Why does it just sort of sit there after the luster is gone and the adrenaline wears off?
Because it’s from an outside source.
The prefix ’em’ basically means to put in or on; surround or cover with. ‘Empower’ is someone giving to someone else the authority or power to do something. The ‘power’ is coming from an outside source. And if that outside source ever goes away, what then?
Now consider this: the prefix ‘re’ basically means an indication of returning to a previous condition or state, restoration. In the case of personal power, ‘Repower’ is certainly internal.
And that is exactly what Hemispheric Integration™ and the process of RePower Your Life does.
Success Design International believes that you have the internal power and resources already within, and it is your mission to be a catalyst for positive, proactive and permanent change.